Collaborating for more sustainable roads
Council Roads
Asphalt containing TonerPlas has already been used in hundreds of local roads
State Roads
Asphalt containing TonerPlas has been used on a section of the Western Road Upgrade
To Close the Loop on Soft Plastics and Toner Powder
Complex plastics (or polymers) such as soft plastics and toner powder are difficult to recycle through traditional methods, which has led to the majority of these materials going to landfill.
In Australia alone, more than 300,000 tons of soft plastic is dumped into landfills every year, and global recycling rates for print consumables such as ink and toner cartridges are still minor in comparison to units sold. Not only is this bad for the environment, it is a monumental waste of valuable resources that can have a new life. Close the Loop reuse and repurpose these difficult material streams and through technology are able to create new high-performance products.
TonerPlas® is Close the Loop’s award-winning asphalt additive. This ground-breaking product is a key ingredient to making high-performance asphalt roads that last longer and require less maintenance than traditional asphalt.
TonerPlas® improves the mechanical properties of asphalt, leading to improved durability, water and rutt-resistance, without any increased environmental impacts in comparison to a standard road. It is designed to melt into, extend and modify the bituminous binder mastic in asphalt, and can be added to existing asphalt plant processes easily.
Calling all Asphalt Companies, Councils and Government- Are you ready to Close the Loop?
Contact Close the Loop today to discuss how you can utilise TonerPlas® for your community.Submit your interestLet Me Read More...
Steve Morriss
Head of Circularity at Close the Loop